Bower Legal
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Bower Legal
An Intellectual Property Law Firm

About Whitney

Licensed to practice law since 2003, Whitney solely focuses on trademark and copyright law. She advises businesses and social media entrepreneurs on how to best protect their brand and represents them throughout the process.


trademark & copyright specialist

The most valuable asset your business should own is your intellectual property.


If you are operating a business that serves a larger audience than your local community, the importance of obtaining a registered trademark is unmatched. With the protection of a registered trademark, you can prevent hackers and copycats from stealing your hard earned work product and reputation. Without a registered trademark, your business and all the wonderful elements of it that make it authentically yours are unprotected. You have created something worth protection.

Contrary to widespread belief, placing a “TM” behind your business name or slogan does not protect you against infringement upon your brand. This is what is referred to as common law trademark and only protects you in the local region your business is based. In today’s marketplace, you are most likely working with a broader range of customers all over the country and possibly the world. Ensure that you OWN and can monetize your brand. Ownership of your intellectual property is your most valuable asset.


Trademark Basics

Understanding the basics can empower you as a business owner.

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Copyright Basics

Knowledge about basic copyright law can help you navigate your rights to protection.

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The Importance of a Clearance Search

What is a clearance search and why do I need one?

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intellectual property is a valuable Business asset

Your trademarks and copyrights are one of your most valuable assets.

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